Sandworm Guard Supported Methods Node
Spawn a shell and execute an arbitrary command
Spawn a shell and execute an arbitrary file
Spawn a shell and execute an arbitrary file
Spawn a shell and execute an arbitrary command
Disconnect a worker from its parent process
Fork a new worker process
Change the default fork behavior of cluster.fork
Change the default fork behavior of cluster.fork
Get the list of current DNS servers
Resolve a host name into the first found A or AAAA record
Resolve the given address and port into a host name and service
Resolve a host name into an array of records
Resolve a host name to an IPv4 address
Resolve a host name to an IPv6 address
Resolve a host name to an array of records
Resolve a host name to an array of CNAME records
Resolve a host name to an array of CAA records
Resolve a host name to an array of MX records
Resolve a host name to an array of NAPTR records
Resolve a host name to an array of NS records
Resolve a host name to an array of PTR records
Resolve a host name to an SOA record
Resolve a host name to an array of SRV records
Resolve a host name to an array of TXT records
Perform a reverse lookup for the given address
Set the default order for result records
Set the list of DNS servers to be used
Communicate with a web server
Run arbitrary JS code from a string
Create a new function from an arbitrary string
Test a user's permissions for a file or directory
Test whether or not a file exists
Force all currently queued I/O operations to completion
Request data to be flushed to the storage device
Truncate a file to a specified length
Create a unique temporary directory
Rename a file or directory
Truncate a file to a specified length
Stop watching a file for changes
Monitor a file for changes
Monitor a file for changes
Test a user's permissions for a file or directory
Test whether a file exists
Force all currently queued I/O operations to completion
Force all data to be flushed to the storage device
Truncate a file to a specified length
Create a temporary directory
Return canonical absolute pathname
Rename a file or directory
Truncate a file to a specified length
Test a user's permissions for a file or directory
Create a temporary directory
Return canonical absolute pathname
Rename a file or directory
Truncate a file to a specified length
Watch for changes on a file
Manage HTTP connection persistence and reuse
Send a GET request to a server
Send an HTTP request to a server
Create a new HTTP/2 server
Create a new secure HTTP/2 server
Establish a connection to a server
Get the default settings for a HTTP/2 session
Get the current settings for a HTTP/2 session
Get the current settings for a HTTP/2 session
Manage HTTPS connection persistence and reuse
Create a new HTTPS server
Send a GET request to a server
Send an HTTPS request to a server
Get the URL of the V8 inspector
Wait for the V8 debugger to connect
Create a new V8 inspector session
Connect to a remote TCP server
Connect to a remote TCP server
Get the endianness of the CPU
Get the amount of free system memory
Get the scheduling priority for a process
Get the home directory path for the current user
Get the hostname of the OS
Get system load average information
Get a list of network interfaces
Get the operating system platform
Get the operating system release
Set the scheduling priority for a process
Get the path of a temporary directory
Get the total amount of system memory
Get the operating system name
Get current user information
Exit the Node.js process immediately
Change the current working directory
Get current process CPU usage info
Get the current working directory
Disconnect child process from parent
Emit a custom process warning
Get a list of resources currently keeping the event loop alive
Get the effective group id of the Node.js process
Get the effective numerical user id
Get the numerical group id of the process
Get the list of supplementary group ids
Get the numerical user id of the process
Find out if there is an uncaught exception callback set
Initialize the group access list
Get memory usage information
Get resource usage information
Send a message to a process
Set the effective group id of the process
Set the effective user id of the process
Set the group id of the process
Set the supplementary group ids of the process
Set the user id of the process
Enable/disable source maps
Set a callback to run when there is an uncaught exception
Set the file mode creation mask
Add a listener for a process event
Queue a function for execution
Set a repeating timer to execute a function
Set a timer to execute a function
Cancel a setImmediate callback
Cancel a setInterval callback
Cancel a setTimeout callback
Queue a function for execution
Set a repeating timer to execute a function
Set a timer to execute a function
Verify that a server certificate is valid for a given host
Create a new secure context
Get a list of supported TLS ciphers
Centralize system tracing information
Get the enabled trace event categories
Get a version tag derived from the V8 version, command-line flags, and detected CPU features
Get statistics about code and its metadata in the heap
Generate a snapshot of the current V8 heap
Get statistics about the V8 heap spaces
Get detailed V8 heap statistics
Programmatically set V8 command-line flags
Stop collecting JavaScript code coverage collection
Write code coverage data to disk
Write a heap snapshot to a file
Serialize value into a buffer
Deserialize value from a buffer
Precompile arbitrary code to execute later
Create a module defined from ECMAScript source text
Create a WebIDL synthetic module
Compile a JavaScript function
Create a new execution context
Check if the given object is an execution context
Run arbitrary code in a context
Run arbitrary code in a new context
Run arbitrary code in the current context
Give WebAssembly apps access to the underlying OS
Create a new independent JavaScript execution thread
Get thread environment data
Mark a buffer as untransferable between threads
Move a message port to a different context
Receive single a message on a port
Set thread environment data
Enable execution of audio processing or decoding.
Register URLs for background fetch
Get info on background fetch job
Return the IDs of all registered background fetches
Queue task to be executed in the background
Cancel a previously queued background task
Send an asynchronous request that does not expect a response
Is the browser able to use Bluetooth
Get a list of available Bluetooth devices
Request a Bluetooth device
Request arbitrary data from the clipboard
Request text from the clipboard
Write arbitrary data to the clipboard
Write text to the clipboard
Retrieve contact information from user device
List all available contact properties
Register offline enabled content with the browser
Delete an offline enabled content
Get all offline enabled content
Create a new Credential instance
Retrieve saved authentication credentials
Set if automatic log in is allowed
Store user authentication credentials
Recieve events from a server, via a persistent connection
Communicate with a web server
Read file as binary string
Read the contents of a user file
Read file as binary string
Read the contents of a user file
Prompt user to allow reading a file from his system
Prompt user to allow saving a file to his system
Prompt user to allow reading a directory from his system
Get a list of connected gamepads
Stop tracking user location
Get device battery information
List connected Human Interface Devices
Connect to a Human Interface Device
Go back in navigation history
Go forward in navigation history
Go to a specific point in the navigation history
Add a new entry to the history stack
Replace the current entry in the history stack
Compare two database keys
List all available databases
Get the capabilities of the camera
Get the settings of the camera
Take a snapshot of the live video stream
Take a single exposure using the video capture device
Enable the capture of images or photos from a camera
List all connected media devices
Capture the contents of a display or portion thereof
Get the supported media device constraints
Request access to user media devices
Select an audio output device
A stream of media content
Send cross-origin communication between windows
A channel for passing messages between threads
Request access to connected MIDI devices
Request permission to show notifications
Show a browser notification
List received notifications
Create a user notification
Monitor the performance of the page
Registers a periodic background sync request
Unregisters a periodic background sync request
List registered periodic sync requests
Get user permission status for a given API
Revoke a user permission for a given API
Reconnect to a presentation
Get availability for starting presentations
Create a presentation request
Get the current push subscription
Get push subscription permission state
Get push subscription permission state
Register a push subscription
List of registered push subscriptions
Subscribe to a push subscription
Unregister a push subscription
Collect and access reports on various issues
Create a new scheduled task
Get the current webpage selection
Get the current webpage selection
Absolute orientation sensor
Linear acceleration sensor
Relative orientation sensor
Share content to user-selected targets
Check if sharing is supported
Abort a speech recognition process
Start a speech recognition process
Stop a speech recognition process
Use the speech recognition API
Use the speech recognition API
Get the list of available voices
Return an item from local storage
Save an item to local storage
Remove an item from local storage
Return the name of the nth key in local storage
Request access to first-party storage
Check if storage access is granted
Returns current storage space - used and available
Request permission to use persistent storage
Check if persistent storage is granted
Derive bits from a crypto key
Derive a secret key from a master key
Generate a crypto digest from data
Get a list of paired attached USB devices
Request access to a USB device
Request a device wake lock
Close a websocket connection
Send data on a websocket connection
Create a new WebSocket object
Post a message to a web worker
Create a new shared worker
Send data via a web request
Communicate with a web server
For each method listed above, Sandworm also intercepts bind
calls. To allow bind
calls with more than one argument, the bind.args
permission is required. Read more .